Friday, December 9, 2016

Award recipients at Industry Luncheon held on December 5, 2016 in Newark, NJ

AJOT.COM: "The New York and New Jersey Sandy Hook Pilots Association received the Lifetime Achievement Award for its dedication to the safety and efficiency of the harbor operated in the Port of New York and New Jersey. The award was presented by Carmine Ragucci, a senior NY Pilot commissioner. “It’s an honor to have our 300-year history of contributions to the maritime industry now recognized by CII with this Lifetime Achievement Award,” said Captain Richard Schoenlank, president, New Jersey Sandy Hook Pilots Association, who accepted the honor with Captain John DeCruz, President, New York Sandy Hook Pilots Association. “For three centuries, our highly skilled pilots have devoted their careers to providing safe passage through the Port of New York and New Jersey. And looking to the future, I am confident that we are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead,” said Captain Schoenlank, referring to the raising of the Bayonne Bridge that will allow for mega-carriers to call at the port."